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Facts: Elected Officials: Territorial Legislators, 1864-1876 (redirected from Facts and Information: Territorial Legislators, 1864-1876)

Page history last edited by Jeff Malcomson 8 years, 11 months ago











Territorial Legislators, 1864-1876


For an excellent set of resources on the history of the Montana Legislature please visit the Legislature's "Facts and Statistics" page, particularly the extensive list of House and Senate leadership.

Most of this information was taken from the following sources:

  • Helena Weekly Herald
  • Helena Daily Independent
  • Atlas of Montana Elections, 1889-1976, by Ellis Waldron and Paul B. Wilson (Missoula: University of Montana, 1978)
  • Montana Politics since 1864: An Atlas of Elections, by Ellis L. Waldron (Missoula: Montana State University Press, 1958)
  • Montana Legislators, 1864-1979: Profiles and Biographical Directory, by Ellis Waldron (Missoula: Bureau of Government Research, University of Montana, 1980)
  • Montana Directory of Public Affairs, 1864-1955, compiled by Ralph E. Owings (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1956)
  • Montana Historical Society Research Center Vertical Files


A NOTE ABOUT PARTY AFFILIATION: Listing of party affiliation of nominees in elections and members of the Legislature during the Terriorial period was very uncommon.  We have attempted to discern party affiliation where possible through biographical sources and newspapers of the time, but the lists are noticably incomplete.

Territorial Legislative Assembly

[click on a heading to alphabetically sort by that heading]


1st Session (1864-1865)

Held at Bannack, Dec. 12, 1864 to Feb. 9, 1865


President of the Council: Robert Lawrence (N/A)

Speaker of the House: George Detwiler (R)



Members Place Represented Political Party
Leavitt, Erasmus D. Beaverhead Republican 
Thompson, Frank M. Beaverhead Republican

Worden, Frank L.

Choteau, Deer Lodge, Missoula Republican 
Merriman, Nathaniel Jefferson Republican
Bagg, Charles S. Madison N/A
Lawrence, Robert Madison N/A
Potter, Anson S. Madison Republican



Representatives Place Represented Political Party
Faulds, William Beaverhead N/A
Smith, Andrew J. Beaverhead Republican

Stuart, James

Deer Lodge Democrat
Courtright, Milo Jefferson N/A
Detwiler, George Jefferson Republican
Buck, Isaac N. Jefferson Republican
Huffaker, Wila Madison N/A
Mayhew, Alexander E. Madison Democrat
McCormick, Washington J. Madison Independent
Rogers, John H. Madison Democrat
Ryan, Patrick Madison N/A
Bell, Francis Madison N/A
Johnson, E. B. Missoula N/A



  • Votes from several precincts in Deer Lodge, Missoula, and Jefferson counties were rejected; Waldron suspects that existing returns may be incomplete.


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2nd Session, Extraordinary (1866)

Held at Virginia City, March 5 to April 14, 1866, following call by Thomas F. Meagher, Secretary of the Territory and Acting Governor


President of the Council: Anson S. Potter (R)

Speaker of the House: Alexander E. Mayhew (D)



Members Place Represented Political Party
Leavitt, Erasmus D. Beaverhead Republican
Phelps, Ephraim F. Beaverhead N/A
McCormick, Washington J. Deer Lodge, Missoula Independent 
Merriman, Nathaniel Jefferson Republican 
Dance, W. B. (elected) Madison Democrat
Spratt, James G. (served) Madison N/A
Potter, Anson S. Madison Republican
Bagg, Charles S. Madison N/A



Representatives Place Represented Political Party
Gardner, William (elected) Beaverhead N/A
Herd, H. D. (served) Beaverhead N/A
Smith, Andrew J. Beaverhead Republican
Mayhew, Alexander E. Choteau, Deer Lodge Democrat
Maxwell, Amos Stafford Edgerton, Gallatin, Jefferson N/A
Mimms, Robert W. Edgerton, Gallatin, Jefferson N/A
Parrott, Robert B. Edgerton, Gallatin, Jefferson Democrat
Corry, Andrew V. Madison Democrat
Daems, Levinus Madison N/A
Hanna, George H. Madison N/A
McCullough, John S. Madison N/A
McElroy, James Madison Democrat
Rice, John N. Madison N/A
LaFontaine, James Missoula N/A



  • Congress annulled the acts of this extraordinary session, March 2, 1867.
  • Returns from Deer Lodge, Edgerton, and Missoula counties were not canvassed for lack of authority to hold elections (Waldron, 1958, p. 15).


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3rd Session, Extraordinary (1866)

Held at Virginia City, November 5 to December 15, 1866, following call by Green Clay Smith, Governor of Montana Territory


President of the Council: Charles S. Bagg (N/A)

Speaker of the House: Alexander E. Mayhew (D)



Members Place Represented Political Party
Phelps, Ephraim F. Beaverhead, Missoula N/A 
Bagg, Charles S. Deer Lodge N/A
Brown, Asa Aiken Deer Lodge Democrat
Galloway, J. O. Deer Lodge N/A
Lowry, Thomas Jefferson Edgerton N/A
Waterbury, Elihu B. Edgerton Democrat
Wilkinson, Ezekiel S. Edgerton N/A 
Moore, Mark A. Gallatin, Jefferson N/A
Chiles, William H. Madison N/A
Spratt, James G. Madison N/A
Tuttle, David Madison N/A
Orr, Sample Meagher Democrat
Wilson, G. G. Meagher N/A 



Representatives Place Represented Political Party
Esler, Alfred M. Beaverhead Republican
Smith, Andrew Jackson Beaverhead Republican
Gorham, Thomas L. Deer Lodge Democrat
Mayhew, Alexander E. Deer Lodge Democrat 
McManus, Peter Deer Lodge N/A
McMurtry, Louis Deer Lodge Democrat
Wylie, James B. Deer Lodge N/A
Andrews, Ray W. Edgerton N/A
Maxwell, Amos Stafford Edgerton N/A
Mimms, Robert W. Edgerton N/A
Rhodes, John W. Edgerton N/A 
Van Hagan, J. B. Edgerton N/A
Blakely, Charles P. Gallatin Democrat
Gallaher, James Gallatin N/A
Buck, Isaac N. Jefferson Republican
Donegan, John Madison Democrat
Jordan, Harrison Madison Democrat
McCullough, John L. Madison N/A
Roach, M. Madison N/A
Rogers, John H. Madison Democrat
Carroll, Matthew Meagher N/A
Clanton, Thomas D. Meagher N/A
Snelling, A. F. Meagher N/A
Welch, J. W. Meagher N/A
Johnson, Walter W. Missoula N/A
Owen, John Missoula N/A



  • Congress annulled the acts of this extraordinary session, March 2, 1867.
  • No returns from Choteau County.
  • Carroll and Snelling both appear to have been elected but never sworn in as members of the House.


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4th Session, Regular & Extraordinary (1867)

Held at Virginia City, November 4 to December 13, 1867

Extraordinary session held at Virginia City, December 14 to 24, 1867, following call of Green Clay Smith, Governor of Montana Territory


President of the Council: Charles S. Bagg (N/A)

Speaker of the House: Wellington Stewart (N/A)



Members Place Represented Political Party
Davis, Alexander Beaverhead, Madison Democrat
Watson, Thomas Beaverhead, Madison N/A
Orr, Sample Choteau, Gallatin, Big Horn Democrat
Bagg, Charles S. Deer Lodge, Missoula N/A
Rand, Jasper Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Corum, John W. Edgerton, Jefferson N/A
Cullen, William E. Edgerton, Jefferson Democrat



Representatives Place Represented Political Party
Simms, John A.* Beaverhead, Missoula N/A
Gallaher, James Gallatin, Big Horn N/A
Weston, James R. Gallatin, Big Horn Democrat 
Kennerly, Henry A. Choteau Democrat
Boswell, Nathaniel C. Deer Lodge Democrat
Edwards, William R. H. Deer Lodge Democrat
Anderson, James M. Edgerton N/A
Comly, Harry R. Edgerton Democrat
Rhodes, John W. Edgerton N/A
Tennant, Whitman Edgerton N/A
Stewart, Wellington Jefferson N/A
Patton, Frank E. W. Madison N/A
Word, Samuel Madison Democrat 



* Simms failed to appear and qualify


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5th Session, Regular (1868-1869)

Held at Virginia City, December 7, 1868 to January 15, 1869


President of the Council: Samuel Russell (N/A)

Speaker of the House: Alexander E. Mayhew (D)



Members Place Represented Political Party
Russell, Samuel Beaverhead, Madison N/A
Edwards, Thomas R. Choteau, Gallatin, Meagher, Big Horn N/A
Orr, Sample Choteau, Gallatin, Meagher, Big Horn Democrat
Bagg, Charles S. Deer Lodge, Missoula N/A 
Dance, Walter B. Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat 
Mitchell, Armistead H. Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Rand, Jasper Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Corum, John W. Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke N/A
Cullen, William E. Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke Democrat 
English, Harvey W. Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke Democrat
George, Albert G. P. Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke N/A



Representatives Place Represented Political Party
Estis, Simeon Beaverhead Democrat
Stapleton, George W. Beaverhead Democrat
Lowry, Morrow P. Choteau Democrat
Hicks, J. Henry Deer Lodge N/A
Kerly, J. C. Deer Lodge Democrat
Mayhew, Alexander E. Deer Lodge Democrat
McLaughlin, John Deer Lodge N/A
Strickland, Otis Deer Lodge N/A
Shafer, David L. Gallatin, Big Horn N/A
Wilson, Lester S. Gallatin, Big Horn Republican
Higley, Chester W. Jefferson N/A 
Stewart, J. Wellington Jefferson N/A
Comly, Harry R. Lewis & Clarke Democrat
Ellis, James M. Lewis & Clarke N/A
Powers, William F. Lewis & Clarke N/A
Rhodes, John W. Lewis & Clarke N/A
Sweeney, John M. Lewis & Clarke Democrat
Alexander, Robert D. Madison N/A
Brison, Andrew W. Madison N/A
Donegan, John Madison Democrat
Findlay, Robert K. Madison N/A
Barnes, John P. Meagher Democrat
Cooper, Andrew Meagher N/A
Wentworth, George W. Missoula N/A


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6th Session, Regular (1869-1870)

Held at Virginia City, December 6, 1869 to January 7, 1870


President of the Council: Walter B. Dance (D)

Speaker of the House: James R. Boyce (N/A)



Members Place Represented Political Party
Daems, Levinus Beaverhead, Madison N/A
Watson, Thomas Beaverhead, Madison N/A
Word, Samuel Beaverhead, Madison Democrat
Barnes, John P. Choteau, Gallatin, Meagher, Big Horn Democrat
Edwards, Thomas Reed Choteau, Gallatin, Meagher, Big Horn N/A
Brown, Asa Aiken Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Dance, Walter B. Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Mitchell, Armistead H. Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Woody, Frank H. Deer Lodge, Missoula N/A
English, Harvey W. Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke Democrat
George, Albert G. P. Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke N/A
Higley, Chester W. Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke N/A
Jones, John Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke N/A



Representatives Place Represented Political Party
Browne, Joseph A. Beaverhead Democrat
Smith, Andrew Jackson Beaverhead Republican
Healey, John J.* Choteau N/A 
Boswell, Nathaniel C. Deer Lodge Democrat
Elwell, Stephen R. Deer Lodge Democrat
Gibbs, Israel Deer Lodge Republican
Rounds, Thomas E. Deer Lodge N/A
Scott, Preston Deer Lodge Democrat
Cockerill, Vardaman Gallatin, Big Horn N/A
Lamme, Achilles Gallatin, Big Horn Democrat
Barrett, Anthony H. Jefferson Democrat
Jordan, Harrison Jefferson Democrat
Boyce, James Richard Lewis & Clarke N/A
Forbis, Jonathan Lewis & Clarke N/A
Hamilton, Alfred B.* Lewis & Clarke Democrat
Murphy, John Lewis & Clarke N/A
Williams, Payton T. Lewis & Clarke N/A
Bailey, Rufus O. Madison N/A
Cope, George Frederick Madison N/A
Hickman, Richard Owen Madison Republican
Wann, William D. Madison Democrat
Collins, Timothy E. Meagher Democrat
Cooper, Andrew* Meagher N/A
Bass, William E.* Missoula Democrat



* Elected but did not appear or serve


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7th Session, Regular (1871-1872)

Held at Virginia City, December 4, 1871 to January 12, 1872


President of the Council: Armstead H. Mitchell (D)

Speaker of the House: Harry R. Comly (D)



Members Place Represented Political Party
Kinney, Chapman J. Beaverhead, Madison N/A
Stapleton, George W. Beaverhead, Madison Democrat
Warren, Henry L. Beaverhead, Madison N/A
Beck, Samuel J. Choteau, Gallatin, Meagher, Big Horn N/A
Collins, Timothy E. Choteau, Gallatin, Meagher, Big Horn Democrat
Mitchell, Armistead H. Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Owen, John Deer Lodge, Missoula N/A
Shoup, A. T. Deer Lodge, Missoula N/A
Stuart, Granville Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Bullock, Seth Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke N/A
Fisher, Robert Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke Republican
Howe, James M. Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke N/A 
Lawrence, Robert Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke N/A



Representatives Place Represented Political Party
Metlin, James C. Beaverhead N/A
Poindexter, Philip H. Beaverhead Democrat
Lowery, M. P.* Choteau N/A
Wright, William C.* Choteau, Dawson N/A
Aiken, Edward D. Deer Lodge Democrat
Dixon, William Wirt Deer Lodge Democrat
McCabe, Charles A. Deer Lodge N/A
Smith, Henry D. Deer Lodge N/A
Williams, John Deer Lodge N/A
Tate, Cary M. Gallatin, Big Horn N/A
Vivion, Robert P. Gallatin, Big Horn Democrat
Jordan, Harrison Jefferson Democrat
Lowrey, Frank M. Jefferson N/A
Billings, John Lewis & Clarke N/A
Comly, Harry R. Lewis & Clarke Democrat
Lowry, Thomas Jefferson Lewis & Clarke N/A
Ralston, S. F. Lewis & Clarke Republican
Searles, Daniel Lewis & Clarke N/A
Garoutte, James S. Madison Democrat
Johnson, Nathan D. Madison N/A
Tripp, Samuel M. Madison N/A
Whitney, Otis C. Madison N/A
Clem, Israel Meagher Democrat
Parr, W. M.* Meagher N/A
Bass, William E. Missoula Democrat



* Lowery and Parr elected Aug. 1, 1870 but did not appear or serve.  Wright elected Aug. 7, 1871 to replace Lowery but did not appear or serve.


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8th Session, Extraordinary (1873)

Extraordinary session held at Virginia City, April 14 to May 8, 1873, following call of Benjamin F. Potts, Governor of Montana Territory


President of the Council: George W. Stapleton (D)

Speaker of the House: John H. Rogers (D)



Members Place Represented Political Party
Vacant Beaverhead, Madison N/A
Stapleton, George W. Beaverhead, Madison Democrat
Yager, Edward T. Beaverhead, Madison N/A
Beck, Samuel J. Choteau, Gallatin, Meagher, Big Horn N/A
Garrigan, Owen Choteau, Gallatin, Meagher, Big Horn N/A
Bass, William E. Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Dance, Walter B. Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Newcomer, Dallas P. Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Owen, John Deer Lodge, Missoula N/A
Bullock, Seth Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke N/A
Fisher, Robert Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke Republican
Lawrence, Robert Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke N/A 
Stuart, James C. Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke Republican



Representatives Place Represented Political Party
Browne, Joseph A. Beaverhead Democrat
Mead, Christian Beaverhead N/A
Delaney, Charles A. Choteau, Dawson N/A
Aiken, Edward D. Deer Lodge Democrat
Alger, Joseph A. Deer Lodge Democrat
Dean, Isaac Deer Lodge Republican
Kerley, John C. Deer Lodge Democrat
Rogers, John H. Deer Lodge Democrat
Coleman, George S. Gallatin, Big Horn N/A
Tate, Cary M. Gallatin, Big Horn N/A
Curtis, Otho Jefferson N/A
Emerson, Rufus K. Jefferson N/A
McCauley, George W. Jefferson N/A
Chessman, William A. Lewis & Clarke Republican
Dusold, Andrew Lewis & Clarke N/A
Hartwell, Joseph W. Lewis & Clarke N/A
Heldt, F. George Lewis & Clarke Republican
Sanders, Wilbur Fisk Lewis & Clarke Republican
Carmichael, Alexander Madison N/A
Ezekiel, Benjamin Madison Democrat
Mallory, Samuel Madison N/A
Stafford, Isaac S. Madison N/A
Harrington, Curtis L. Meagher Democrat
Sutton, Charles W. Meagher N/A
Kennedy, James Missoula N/A
O'Keefe, Cornelius C. Missoula Democrat


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8th Session, Regular (1874)

Held at Virginia City, January 5, 1874 to February 13, 1874


President of the Council: George W. Stapleton (D)

Speaker of the House: John H. Rogers (D)



Members Place Represented Political Party
Barber, Orlando B. Beaverhead, Madison Democrat
Stapleton, George W. Beaverhead, Madison Democrat
Yager, Edward T. Beaverhead, Madison N/A
Davis, Joseph J. Choteau, Gallatin, Meagher, Big Horn N/A
Garrigan, Owen Choteau, Gallatin, Meagher, Big Horn N/A
Cooper, Charles Deer Lodge, Missoula Republican
Dance, Walter B. Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Maillet, Louis R. Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Newcomer, Dallas P. Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Arick, Rufus Ellie Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke N/A
Beattie, Alexander H. Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke Republican
Stuart, James C. Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke Republican
Walker, James C. Jefferson, Lewis & Clarke N/A



Representatives Place Represented Political Party
Browne, Joseph A. Beaverhead Democrat
Mead, Christian Beaverhead N/A
Arnoux, James M. Choteau, Dawson N/A
Aiken, Edward D. Deer Lodge Democrat
Alger, Joseph A. Deer Lodge Democrat
Dean, Isaac Deer Lodge Republican
Kerley, John C. Deer Lodge Democrat
Rogers, John H. Deer Lodge Democrat
Coleman, George S. Gallatin, Big Horn N/A
Tate, Cary M. Gallatin, Big Horn N/A
Curtis, Otho Jefferson N/A
Emerson, Rufus K. Jefferson N/A
McCauley, George W. Jefferson N/A
Chessman, William A. Lewis & Clarke Republican
Dusold, Andrew Lewis & Clarke N/A
Hartwell, Joseph W. Lewis & Clarke N/A
Heldt, F. George Lewis & Clarke Republican
Sanders, Wilbur Fisk Lewis & Clarke Republican
Carmichael, Alexander Madison N/A
Ezekiel, Benjamin Madison Democrat
Mallory, Samuel Madison N/A
Stafford, Isaac S. Madison N/A
Harrington, Curtis L. Meagher Democrat
Sutton, Charles W. Meagher N/A
Kennedy, James Missoula N/A
O'Keefe, Cornelius C. Missoula Democrat


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9th Session, Regular (1876)

Held at Helena, January 3, 1876 to February 11, 1876


President of the Council: Asa A. Brown (D)

Speaker of the House: Samuel W. Langhorne (D)



Members Place Represented Political Party
Watson, Thomas Beaverhead, Madison N/A
Hornbuckle, James Choteau, Meagher N/A
Abascal, Joaquin Deer Lodge Democrat
Brown, Asa Aiken Deer Lodge Democrat
Graham, William Deer Lodge, Missoula Democrat
Hays, William O. P. Gallatin, Big Horn Democrat
Lewis, Isaac Ives Gallatin, Big Horn, Jefferson N/A
Cardwell, Edward Jefferson Democrat
Constans, Phillip Lewis & Clarke N/A
Cullen, William E. Lewis & Clarke Democrat
Tatem, Benjamin H. Lewis & Clarke N/A
Allebaugh, John Madison N/A
Bass, William E. Missoula Democrat



Representatives Place Represented Political Party
Ford, Robert S. Beaverhead Democrat
Mead, Christian Beaverhead N/A
Beal, George W. Deer Lodge Democrat
Burkett, Israel C. Deer Lodge N/A
Moore, John C. Deer Lodge Democrat 
Stuart, Granville Deer Lodge Democrat 
Woodlock, Patrick Deer Lodge Democrat 
Moore, Amos B. Gallatin N/A 
Reed, Brigham Gallatin, Big Horn Independent 
Langhorne, Samuel L. Gallatin, Jefferson, Big Horn Democrat 
Brooke, Edward G. Jefferson Democrat
Curtis, Otho Jefferson N/A
Chessman, William A. Lewis & Clarke Republican
Clewell, Tilghman H. Lewis & Clarke Republican
McKnight, Joseph H. Lewis & Clarke N/A
Sanders, Wilbur Fisk Lewis & Clarke Republican
Sweeney, John M. Lewis & Clarke Democrat
Blake, H. W.* Madison N/A
Carmichael, Alexander Madison N/A
Kenneally, David Madison N/A
Olds, Loren B. Madison Republican
Word, Samuel Madison Democrat
Rotwitt, Louis Meagher Republican
Tierney, William E. Meagher Democrat
Bass, Thomas* Missoula N/A
Cave, Alfred Missoula Democrat
McCormick, Washington J. Missoula Independent
Worden, Frank Lyman Missoula Republican



* Blake and Bass elected in Aug. 1874 but never served; both replaced by Olds and McCormick, respectively, via a special election in Aug. 1875.


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 Montana Historical Society Research Center

 225 North Roberts, P.O. Box 201201, Helena, MT 59620-1201, 406-444-2681, 406-444-2696 (fax).



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